Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It was a rainy day so I decided to work inside of my closets,  
Over the years I gradually awarded my closet number from one in the master bedroom to other rooms as well on the second floor.
With a desire of transform my own closets into something closer to my ideal - dividing items by three seasons, winter, summer and in-between, then sorted by colors.  I begin in the closet I use the least and realize that this will be as much an exercise in grief as release. I tossed a half dozen dresses I‘ve got crammed in here and a dozen sweaters and more than ten pieces of mini/long skirts. But when I came across a bunch of special outfits I’ve worn only once, despite my effort to reduce my attachments, these seem too intrinsically “good” to forsake, can't bear to give away,  because each filled with wonderful memories.

I just can’t seem to let  most items go. There are still 20 pairs of jeans and equal number of dresses/coats plus a dozen of designer handbags, not counting 30 pairs of name or nameless shoes;  because I believed I was attracted by the unique craftsmanship or simply surrender to some big designer names.  Even I whittled my wardrobe down to what I’d actually wear today, one closet is still not enough.

Through the process, I found out one unwise shopping habit was that the most pieces I boxed were those cheap buys - they ended at my home only due to low price tags, not because they suited me well. 

What I’ve found in my closets is a reflection of who I’ve been and who I am, if not who I’d like to be. I am sentimental, confused, and conflicted. These are not intrinsic flaws or virtues, nor are they permanent states of being.  I am bound to changes.

I should buy garment that I can wear today or tomorrow, not bring home anything that needs to be stored. 

1 皮和薄纱配




去年写了篇衣柜的检讨,可是老毛病难改。今年还是新添好多,造成空间又一次的危机。今日拍了n张index 片, 如果一衣不能单穿或需要另配其它, 一律清除。W
ith more new additions, resulting in yet another space of the crisis. I decided to make some index pictures and if one item cannot find anything to go with, then it will leave the house.

cotton lace top and jean skirt

Friday, May 18, 2012


Two colors for 2012 summer While most people like the terracotta, but I prefect Khaki.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


简单易行健康操 ·原作者未详,多谢费心制作的动画,生动易学!·

第一节: 九十一百八十度--腰部腿部運動

功 能: 增加身體柔軟度、腹部收縮、以及筋骨伸展。

第二节: 聳聳肩縮縮頭--肩部運動

功 能: 消除肩部酸痛。

第三节: 右手拉左腳--手腳運動

功 能: 加強心肺功能及身體柔軟度。

第四节: 上下左右看一看--眼部運動

功 能: 消除眼睛疲勞。

第五节: 脖子扭一扭--頸部運動

功 能: 預防頸部痠疼、恢復頭腦清醒。

第六节: 帶球上籃--運動前伸展操

功 能: 運動熱身,避免運動傷害。

第七节: 活動筋骨--伸展運動

功 能: 促進身體血液循環、以及鬆弛緊張的肌肉

第八节: 柔軟重現--桌前運動

功 能: 恢復以及保持身體柔軟性

第九节: 朝氣蓬勃--蹲踞拉伸運動

功 能: 增強腰力、鍛鍊腳趾、提高身體的平衡力、及加強內臟功能。

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

