Monday, March 5, 2012

Poor man’s milkshake

We as adults don't have enough fun. We go to workplace and Whole Food. We have endless errands and obligations that when we've finally performed the all for one week. we sit around and do nothing, delighted that finally we can relax. But as the result of many years of self torturing, I can not sit still for more than two hours, otherwise I believe it could lead to depression and maybe even cellulite. I drag myself and my poor husband out of our house to do whatever that sounds like fun. The whatever list consists mostly are going to nearby small towns or some hot spots in DC to shoot random people by camera, miniature golfing, hiking etc. One of my favor activity is to go to the Opera - whether it was at the movie theater; or at the real opera house.
Recently my new favor is Metropolitan Opera telecasts live opera performances at movie theaters. It is not like going to a normal movie - it's better. The crowd dresses nicer, as if we were all at the real opera house ( as I went to the real opera house twice in my life, no all are dress-up pretty as I would hope so). I even saw a old lady carried a green shade of Hermes handbag.
I love the fact that before the opera starts, the camera pans the gilded Met balconies and the real life orchestra turns up. The enormous screen spans the actual stage, so you feel like you are there, closer than you were in the real opera house.
As the coming attractions roll; the three hour production took all of us out of our stupid Saturday routines, I burst spontaneous applause after the arias even thought we were just in HD broadcasting event. Like all great art, opera has the power to transport the imagination and to move heart and soul.
This past Sunday afternoon we actually went to the real opera house to watch Mozart's Cosi fan tutte (Women are like that). I like the voices from sopranos Elizabeth Futral, mezzo-soprano Renata Pokupić,and the tenor but don't care about the modern-dress production. I think I will continue to go to the HD opera event.

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