Downloaded a newer version of free Picasa Photo Editing software from google, it added a lots of new presets, I tried one which is called Lomo in the above picture.
Lomography is the commercial trademark of Lomographische AG, Austria for products and services catering to lo-fi photographers. å 35mm LOMO LC-A Compact Automat camera — which became the centerpiece of Lomography's marketing and sales activities.
Lots people are charmed by the unique, colorful, and sometimes blurry images that the camera produced.
The Lomography website endorses a motto of "Don't Think, Just Shoot". This motto is accompanied by the Ten Golden Rules of Lomography; Take your camera everywhere you go.
Use it any time – day and night.
Lomography is not an interference in your life, but part of it.
Try the shot from the hip.
Approach the objects of your Lomographic desire as close as possible.
Don't think. (William Firebrace)
Be fast
You don't have to know beforehand what you captured on film.
Afterwards either.
Don't worry about any rules.
A CANON 580ex flash were fired.
The subject face the sun, leaves no shadow.
Color is a powerful design element in our environment and our wardrobes. Although color is only one facet of design, it is usually the one that first attracts our eyes to clothing. Color is uplifting, color is flattering ad Color says a lot of oneself.
Since last summer,I’ve been drawn to Diane von Furstenberg collection. I was able to acquire three wrap dresses in the same 70 reissue prints for some big discounts thanks to the online sites like Shopbop and Saks.
Green with Pupple
1 Girls in green
2 another pair
3 cup cake stort front
4 the line
5 People all posted for me
6 green handbag
Bistro Lepic in upper Georgetown --- French, home like setting in a row house but quite classy, one of my favorites -- http://bistrotlepic.com/
Marcel's , 2401 Pennsylvania Ave., NW ---- French
Café Milano, 3251 Prospect Street Northwest, good for people watch, a little snotty ---- Italian
Sushi-KO, 2309 Wisconsin Avenue Northwest, --- I love this place, ask the chef to make you a few little dishes if the guests are not price conscious
Heritage India, 2400 Wisconsin Avenue Northwest --- best Indian restaurant I tried so far, elegant setting and velvety cooking
We went to a Tai place before the opera on Wisconsin/P, called Mai Tai last Sunday. I like the shrimp salad there too.
It was very windy I could not even standstill to have a photo taken.
有些人把着装提到艺术的高度。这也许不错。但我的浅见是:, 一个人的装饰打扮,其实是在传递信息,告诉别人你是怎样一个人,至少表示你对自己在乎的程度和你希望别人怎样看你。装饰打扮需要承诺和努力,从每日的装扮,别人可以更好了解您对质量、修养趣味和样式的标准品位。好的装饰打扮是与周围和谐,与自己身材气质相适,绝不画蛇,削足。
Style is a simple way of saying complicated things.
_Jean Cocteau, artist.
脸长的不够西施,身材当不了模特,可以怪老爸老妈,但是做到简单的两点是人人可以的-这两点是最基本的和流行时尚没有直接的关系, 但缺了, 再贵的时尚也救不了你。
第二是站姿,走姿和坐姿。站时要收腹挺胸。走时要应抬头挺胸, 步态要轻稳,需用腰力但不扭动臀部 ,脚掌先落地,然后脚后跟触地, 保持稳定的节奏感。 坐要轻缓,上身要直,人体的重心垂直向下,腰部挺起,脊柱向上伸直,胸前向前挺,双肩放松平放。 一个人的良好站态、行态、坐态,形成的连续性与稳定性是人的自然形体在空间的形象显现, 也就是所谓的风度了。
穿衣打扮-是为自己的高兴,不是盲目追随潮流,流行的不一定适合自己的体型。 求质不求量- 多少次我清理衣柜,发现质量不好的总是先扔,日积月累其实是大浪费. 式样要简单舒服- 面料要柔软密实,我喜欢皮肤感觉好的衣料-全棉,真丝或开司米。 还有很重要的一条:颜色,一定要选能提亮你自己的肤色的色系。
很多时尚达人并没有天生模特身材,但他们有一条共同点- 就是清楚地了解自己的身形,懂得什么样的裁剪 / 形状的衣服是可扬长避短。
Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions。
好的装饰打扮也不一定要全部名牌全部新衣来代表。但年纪越上去, 越要买好牌。大件,基本款尽量选好牌和大牌,因为它们能长久。 无任大牌还是白菜东西,怎样搭配还是需要自己把一点心思和功夫化进去。说到底,至少把自己打扮的干净得体是对其他人的礼貌行动。