Friday, February 24, 2012

Orchid and Plum Blossom

Received this orchid from UPS by my lovely mother-in law. It was a generous day so our family went to national botanical garden. 眾芳搖落獨暄妍, 占斷風情向小園。 疏影橫斜水清淺, 暗香浮動月黃昏。 霜禽欲下先偷眼, 粉蝶如知合斷魂。 幸有微吟可相狎, 不須檀板共金樽。 When everything has faded they alone shine forth, encroaching on the charms of smaller gardens. Their scattered shadows fall lightly on clear water, their subtle scent pervades the moonlit dusk. Snowbirds look again before they land, butterflies would faint if they but knew. Thankfully I can flirt in whispered verse, I don't need a sounding board or winecup.

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